Our Story


In 2010 a small group of people had a vision of starting a church in Buffalo, New York.

Since those simple beginnings, God’s goodness and faithfulness has been nothing short of astounding. After our first meeting, we prayed an impossible prayer, give us an audience, help us make disciples, show us how to do church differently, and help us to represent you in the community we serve. God miraculously provided and He keeps amazing us. We are humbled and we stand in awe at God’s incredible kindness and provision.

Empowerment Ministry's story is not about a building. It is about changed lives. People have accepted Christ, baptized, broken marriages have been restored, ruined lives have found new hope and purpose, people are growing in their faith, children and young adults are being transformed through our ministries.

Empowerment Ministry is an online community Helping People Take Their Next Step Toward Christ.

God has stirred our hearts to impact our communities with the Gospel like never before. Our partnership with various community organizations has given us ongoing opportunities to develop personal, hands-on relationships. It has been encouraging to see the celebration of diverse, giving to those who need, and sharing the love of Jesus with them.

God has opened doors for us to invest our time, ourselves and our money to help and meet the need in many communities locally and across the United States to find new life in Christ! In addition to this, we have taken a step of faith to increase our investment locally so that our own city will continue to be impacted for eternity.

  • Rev. Raquel Alston

    Senior Pastor

  • Rev. Tanya Spencer

    Support Staff