Good For Your Soul Episodes


 The Word of God is the greatest solution to devote oneself to when facing daily issues. With each broadcast, Empowerment Ministry brings a message to encourage, to restore, heal, and to uplift your heart.

Empowerment Ministry Empowerment Ministry

Hidden in Plain Sight

The problem in the Transfiguration story is that as soon as experience transformation we try domesticate, protect, and manufacture what is holy. The challenge is consenting to follow Christ back down from the mountain.

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Empowerment Ministry Empowerment Ministry

A Level Place

When Jesus comes to a level place, we find ourselves leveled out. No longer do we grieve alone, or stress alone, or worry alone. No longer do we celebrate alone or rejoice alone. When Jesus comes to a level place, he comes to level us with God’s kingdom and to level us with one another.

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