Good For Your Soul Episodes


 The Word of God is the greatest solution to devote oneself to when facing daily issues. With each broadcast, Empowerment Ministry brings a message to encourage, to restore, heal, and to uplift your heart.

Empowerment Ministry Empowerment Ministry

Decisions that Demand Discernment

The Jesus we see in this passage seems out of character with the Jesus who loves and heals and cares for the poor. This Jesus announces division instead of peace. Sometimes, the issue that divides us is not the real issue.

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Empowerment Ministry Empowerment Ministry

Martha’s Problem

This story is not a critique of kitchen duty. This is what Martha loses sight of. She is pulled in many directions. Martha’s distraction and worry leave no room for the important aspect of hospitality; attention to the guest.

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Empowerment Ministry Empowerment Ministry

Extravagant Mercy from an Unexpected Source

We hear the word “Good” and “Samaritan” together so much we might think that they are one-in-the-same. Yet, Jesus uses a Samaritan to show what loving neighbor really involves.

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Empowerment Ministry Empowerment Ministry

A Heart at Peace

Jesus did not send the seventy out to prescribe behaviors but to be lived every moment of every day of our lives.

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Empowerment Ministry Empowerment Ministry

Jesus the Liberator

A man lives in grim conditions; among the dead, and recognizes Jesus. He delivers the people from the pigs and they are not fascinated by the sanity of the man, but horrified by the consequences of the salvation Jesus brings.

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Empowerment Ministry Empowerment Ministry

The Undesirable Son

The father, however, knows that love is the real way home. Why is the elder son resentful? Is he correct? The elder accuses his father of showing preferential treatment.

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Empowerment Ministry Empowerment Ministry

When You’re Given Another Chance

The owner sees The barren fig tree is wasting valuable space. But the gardener loves the tree and sees it potential and wants to give it another chance.

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